Friday 3 January 2014

Look at this! It's pretty damned cool to hold my very first published book in my hand  *smile*

Wednesday 1 January 2014

I'm back! I've been so busy with the edits to The Sacrificial Lamb and now Let's Get Physical (plus creating Facebook and Twitter accounts) that I've scarce had time to poke my nose in here to update *bad writer!*

It was a surprise to see that my last post was May 10 stating I'd signed a publishing contract. And 7 months later to the day my first book - The Sacrificial Lamb - was released on Amazon for sale  :)) I guess 10 is my lucky number!

2013 was exciting in many ways and I'm looking forward to what 2014 has to offer! I promise to keep the blog updated as much as possible moving forward (famous last words? *smile*)

Ways to find me:

Ways to read my debut novel The Sacrificial Lamb:

 The Sacrificial Lamb (Canada - digital only - MOBI)

The Sacrificial Lamb (USA - digital & paperback - MOBI)

The Sacrificial Lamb (digital only - EPUB)

The Sacrificial Lamb (CAN & US - digital & paperback - EPUB/MOBI)

Friday 10 May 2013

Guess what I did today?

I signed a contract to have my work published. That's what I did.

And now I lay here writing to you as the pretend candle in the handmade candle holder that my eldest gave me for Mother's Day flickers and glows. I feel kind of like that candle right now. Not quite certain, do I dim or do I glow? Will I shine, or will the light eventually die out...

There's only one way to find out.

So, until fate decides which way I go, I'll sit here and squee in my head and hope with all hope that I won't only be chasing my dream, but catching it by the tail and soaring with it.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Oh god, it hurts... it HURTS!! Cutting out large parts of your novel to make it into a working manuscript has got to be one of THE most painful things ever! (mentally, at least). You know that scene in The Exorcist when the priest is spraying Reagan with holy water and she's screaming "It burns!! It buuuuurrrnnnsss!!!" Yeah, that's me every time I hit delete! My head should start spinning any moment now  *laughs* (listen, you've been warned I'm dramatic - deal with it)

I know there are parts that are superfluous. I know not everyone is going to find the daily minutia of my characters as riveting as I do. I know there are parts people may potentially gloss over...doesn't make it any easier!! Truth of the matter is, I've envisioned these scenes. My characters sat in my head and talked to me, they showed me the rooms of their lives in vivid colour (HD even!) and dutiful scribe that I am, wrote it all down. Now it feels as if I'm erasing important bits of their lives to make the story more marketable. Actually, that IS what I'm doing! *sigh*

But... onwards and upwards. Don't worry, readers, I plan on releasing those scenes as out takes on this blog after the book release! haha   ;))

Saturday 20 April 2013

Editing is the bane of my existence.

If I were a superhero, editing would be my kryptonite.

Saturday 13 April 2013

In the middle of fooling around on the internet I come across this:


Yes, I should be. In my defense, I WAS! I have been off and on for most of the day in between running errands and real life (and now writing this post! *grins*).

But I suppose they're right. And now back to editing.

This... very much this! This is a map of my mind  :))